Seeking His F.A.C.E (“Followers After Christ Early”) Youth Ministry — Are a group of Youth and Young Adults who are being taught that it is God’s desire that as His children, we seek His Face at an early age. “Seek the Lord and His strength; Seek His face evermore.” - Psalms 105:4
We are all branches of the true vine, Jesus Christ. God has mandated that we plant Godly seeds into the youth. These seeds must be watered by the Word of God. We have the responsibility of nourishing them so that they can be full of life. Our youth make up a beautiful “garden”. We are required to cultivate the “trees” of this “garden” that they may bare fruit. This nourishment will cause our “garden” to grow and flourish causing an overflow of God’s spirit in each and every “tree”.
We seek to grow to immeasurable heights in the Lord Jesus Christ.
“Then our sons in their youth will be like well-nurtured plants, and our daughters will be like pillars carved to adorn a palace." Psalms 144:12
SOTWC Little Leading Ladies - Slumber Party 2015
SOTWC - Junior Dance Ministry
SOTWC Youth Ministry - Graduates
SOTWC Youth Ministry Photos 2013 - 2014
Youth Ministry Photo Gallery Archive
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